Minggu, 06 Mei 2012

Joglo, Traditional House of Java

Traditional Javanese architecture, especially in Central Java, Indonesia, is more widely known by Joglo buildings. Joglo is the frame of the main building of traditional Javanese house which consists of a pillar of the four main pillars supporting the structure and arrangement of intercropping in the form of pillar supported beam.
Joglo homes generally only owned by people who are capable of more material. This is due to the material needed to build a house Joglo a lot and is quite expensive because most of the material comes from teak wood and takes care of its own. In terms of social, Joglo form should only be considered to have prominent people mainly from the aristocracy. In addition, the building contained Joglo philosophy of the life of the Java community. 

The composition of the room in Joglo generally divided into three parts, namely the so-called pendhapa meeting room, living room or space used to hold a puppet show called pringgitan, and a back room called the palace or omah jero as the family room. In this room there are three senthong (room) that is senthong left, center and senthong senthong right.

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